Sunday 17 October 2010

Famous Album covers...

In class, we looked at and analyzed a few album covers....

Pink Floyd- Dark side of the Moon

The font does not relate to the music as there is no text. No "Pink Floyd", No "Dark side of the Moon"- Nothing! What this shows us is that they are obviously a well known band of their own era. People would have known who they are without them seeing any font on the cover. The colours are quite significant to this album cover as they are very contrasting . It's does show the viewers that the bad are maybe intelligent and scientific. The image does not relate to the music as there is nothing that relates to the spectrum picture. However, it could mean their lyrics are more intellectual than previous albums. The use of intertextuality is purely, a reference to science as the spectrum is something to do with Physics. I didn't do too well in Physics, so i won't be able to explain it well but it has something to do with the reflection of light through a mirrored shape and you get those colours of the rainbow coming out the back of it. The band are not in the Album cover as they are already a well established band of their era (1970/80's). The album cover is a piece of art in its own right as it is very abstract. It is now their brand logo and well known, even to this day.

Nirvana- Nevermind
The font does not relate to the music as nirvana were a grunge band with heavy rock songs. Having that font does not symbolize their genre very much. However,  the album name 'nevermind' has a water like font, so this does relate to the album. The colour scheme is blue making it feel quite grim, their music is rather melancholy and grim itself, so the music does relate to the colour scheme. The image  itself is pretty shocking as it is pushing the boundaries of what is and what isn't acceptable and/or appropriate to put on an album. The image is of a naked baby diving in a very deep swimming pool just to get some money which is being dangled in front of him. This could be a metaphor of what Nirvana's lyrics are about. About how society will jump into the deep end, naked,  just to achieve something less than necessary, but instead you end up sinking. Kurt Cobain was known as a "spokesman of a generation". There is no intertextuality to anything in this album cover. the band are not pictured in the cover as the picture says enough to shock the viewer. The album is not necessarily a piece of art in its own right, but it is symbolic and known very well to be linked with 'Nirvana'.

Coldplay- X&Y
There is NO text on this album cover so the font does not relate to the music. The colours are quite curious as 'Coldplay' have used a multi coloured scheme. However, the primary colours on the object doesn't relate to the band or their music. The image is ambiguous as it could mean anything to anyone and would symbolize an object or person. However, most of the general public would look at that and say that it doesn't mean anything! There is no intertextuality as it doesn't relate to anything specific. The members of 'Coldplay' are not pictured in the album as like Pink Floyd, this is their second latest album so they are already reputable. The reason that it IS a piece of art in its own right is because it gets people talking about what it could be/should be. If people are drawn in by it to try and make sense of it, Coldplay have done a good job.

The Killers- Sam's Town

The Band name of 'The killers'  is like a neon sign title, something you would see in a sleazy town. 'The Killers' have had that same font title for previous albums making it quite symbolic. 'Sam's Town is written in a contrasting, sophisticated way. This could tell us that this album has more sophisticated music/lyrics in it. the colours used are old colours of White, Black and Grey. This portrays being stuck in someones mind or reminiscence. This could mean the music could be quite spacey or dreamy meaning the colour scheme does relate to the music. The image does not really relay the music very well. This is because it has two very contrasting images of a goat symbolizing rough animalism of the music. there is also beauty pageant depicting feminist representation. This has intertextuality of a beauty queen. The background behind the goat and the woman is a wrecked caravan with a broken window. This could be somewhere that the woman lives or used to live. The band are not pictured in this album cover as it becomes mystical. However, because they are well known, there is no need to see them.

the font is quite medieval relating to royalty of the name 'Queen', however there is not any reference from the font about the music as they are more pop/rock. The colour scheme relates quite well to the music, as it is full of darkness and shadows. However, there is a high light shining down upon them, lighting only their face up. It makes them look like Heroes, saving people by listening to their music.The picture is VERY iconic as it has been used many a times and is very well known. The use of intertextuality is interesting here as it looks very religious. It is possibly a symbol of Jesus on the cross with Freddy Mercuries arms folded like that. The original picture is from their smash hit 'Bohemian Rhapsody' but became so well known in the song that they used it as an album cover. I think this is a piece of art in its own right as it is a still from a song that is so well known.

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