Tuesday 5 October 2010

Actors for music video...

There are two parts of this music video...

  1. The Performance (Artist playing/performing within the music video)

     2.  The Narrative (A story being told within the music video)

In the Narrative, 
  • Tom Bates and Sarah Waterman will be acting as the couple recently broken up. 
  • Tom will be the Teenager that always procrastinates in life, putting things off and living a simple and boring life.
  • Sarah will be playing the girl who is loved by Tom. In the video, the viewers never see her face, creating an illusion of something special about this girl! 
In the Performance,
  • Matt Veira will be playing electric guitar and singing.
  • Dan Veira will be playing electric bass and singing backing vocals.
  • Nick Veira will be playing drum kit and singing backing vocals.

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