Thursday 14 October 2010

How do we apply to Goodwin's 6 rules to our music video 'Not Today'

  1. Music Videos demonstrate genre characteristics- Looking at similar bans with the same contemporary rock genre as us, They also use a music video split into performance and narrative genres. For example Maroon 5's 'She will be loved'
  2. There is relationship between lyrics and visuals- In our music video we have the occasional word that would match up to our video (or vice versa) "I scream and I shout" Tom runs out of the house screaming. "Traffic jam inside my head" There is a quick close up of a traffic light stuck on red (the red symbolizes frustration). "I get frustrated, I get so mad" Tom rips up a letter in frustration.
  3. There is relationship between music and visuals- The band Derek's Neighbour will be playing they're own music on their own instruments.
  4. Demands of record labels include lots of close ups- In our video, close ups are regularly used of Tom acting such as at the beginning of the video of Tom's eye opening and him sitting up. Here we see his face.
  5. Female Body Reference are frequently used- we haven't used any female body reference in our video as it does not fit the song or even the genre. We do show a females body, but with clothes on.
  6. There is often intertextual reference- use of sony ericsson phone texting "Could be down to why I protect my heart"

More to come - Just you wait!! x

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