Tuesday 5 October 2010

Music Video Questionnaire

Please circle answer...


1) Gender?

Male, Female

2) How old are you?

16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50+

3) What is your favorite Genre of Music?

Metal, Rock, Rap/R&B, Dance, Pop, Other (Please state)

4) How often do you watch music videos?

Once a week, twice a week, three times a week, Everyday, Never

5) What is your favorite genre of music video?

Spectacle (special effects etc) Narrative (story) Performance Sexual (use of women/men’s body image) Image (imagery or dance routines to promote a star’s image)

6) Which do you prefer?

Comedic video, serious narrative, big budget, special effects, simplistic performance from artist, low budget natural settings, other (please state)

7) Would you expect to see the band/artist performing in a music video?

Yes, No, Not Necessarily

8) What is the most important thing you would expect to see in an Indy/alt rock music video?

(Please state) e.g. performance from band/good lighting etc...

9) How influenced are you by a music video to buy/download the song?

Very, Not very

10) In our music video, we hope to use an epic landscape. Do you prefer a big landscape e.g. a mountain or a simplistic setting e.g. a bedsit?

We gave this Questionnaire out to 10 people and made our results out of what people wanted in our music video.

(All participants we at the age of 16 and 20.)

Questionnaire results:

  1. Sex...Male: IIIII    Female: IIIII
  2. Genre of music... Metal: 0, Rock: III, Rap/RnB: IIII, Dance: II, Pop: III, Other: II
  3. How often do you watch music videos?... Once a Week: 0, Twice a Week: III, Three Times a Week: II, Everyday: IIII, Never: I.
  4. Favorite Genre of music video... Spectacle: IIII, Narrative: IIIII, Performance: II, Sexual: II, Image: I.
  5. Which do you prefer... Comedic video: IIIII, Serious Narrative: I, Big Budget/special effects: II, Simplistic performance from artist: II, Low Budget/Natural setting: II, other: 0
  6. Would you expect to see the band/artist performing in your music video? Yes: IIIII, No: I, Not necessarily: IIIII.
  7. What is the most important thing in a music video? Examples: performances, Good lighting.
  8. How influenced are you by a music video to download the song?... Very: III, Not very: IIIIIII.
  9. Landscape... Big landscape: IIIIIIII, Simplistic: II

Cheers for reading. x

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