Thursday 7 October 2010

Email to Derek's Neighbour

We had to write an email to one of the band members to ask permission to use one of their songs.
The only way we could get in contact with a member of Derek's Neighbour, was if we contacted their myspace.'sNeighbour.
This is what we wrote....

Hi Matt,

Me and my friend Tom Bates are doing a music video for our coursework in Media Studies A2's. One of the objectives was to find an unsigned band on Myspace. We found your band, Derek's Neighbour on'sNeighbour.

e noticed you were unsigned and were wondering if we could pick one of your songs to use for our music video? Tom mentioned the song 'Not Today' as we both agree that it would be a great choice that constitutes a good music video. We understand if you don't want us to use your music, but to be honest, it sounds pretty phat!
Please get back to us asap as we will need to start planning ifn we can or cannot use this (or a) song.

Thanks alot, Nick and Tom

We got a reply from Matt saying this:

"Hi there Nick,

Thank you for your email.

Me and the rest of the band feel very privaledged to be asked - and would like to help in anyway possible. I am glad you like our tracks, especially 'Not Today' - we have always thought it would be quite a cool concept music video.

We will give you all the rights you need for producing a music video of this song. Please feel free to email me again if you need any more help in any way.

Best wishes,

Matt (on behalf of Dereks Neighbour)"

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