Saturday 11 December 2010

Tom Bates - Evaluation Activity 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We initally did a questionnaire to establish the genre of music that we wanted to do for our music video. Our target audience were people of our age. We had a source of 10 people 5 male, 5 female. The majority of votes seemed to be for Rap/RnB, we decided against this genre as Nick put forward the suggestion of a rock group called Derek's Neighbour. I aggreed. Audience Feedback helped us to understand what the public wanted. We asked them a variety of questions about things that we wanted to put in our music video. This worked well, because myself and Nick had already come up with several ideas about what we wanted the music video to consist of. By asking our target audience these questions we could 'tick off' the ideas that were least popular. Our final idea was the most popular.

Through the use of Questionnaires, I feel we have created a music video that is Record label and public centered. We only put forward ideas if we thought that, firstly the audience would like the song, and secondly if they would like to watch the video.

Once our Ancillary Products were complete, we had a formal peer assessment of one anothers products, we recieved helpful infromation that enabled us to improve the music video. throughout the construction of our music video, we had recieved complements about our Lip synching and editing of music to image. This is because we wanted to give a naturalistic edge to our video. And I feel that we have been successful in this task. Peer assessment helped us I think, because it allowed us make our music video better. We included extra effects to our music video that we previously did not have, that made the video better, we gave a dream like effect to one of our shots that showed 'the boy next door' character to think about the girl he likes. This was a nice break from the naturalism of our piece.                  

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