Tuesday 14 December 2010

Nick veira: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Evaluation 4

I used Myspace to search for a band that would be unsigned so we could get cracking with the music video. Once I looked around, I found a band called 'Derek's Neighbour' who were unsigned. They had a list of songs but one that really stood out was the song 'Not Today'. It was a very strong website, and it suited my needs of looking for an unsigned band. However alot of bands that looked interesting had some of their profiles blocked. This meant that I had to be a member of MySpace to look at some artist's profiles, Luckily Derek's Neighbour was not one of them.  To get the song 'Not Today' by Derek's Neighbour we needed to import it from the band's myspace onto Itunes...

Once it was onto Itunes, we then had to convert the song into an mp3 file or an itunes song file. This made it easier to put onto Final cut express as it would not work if it wasn't mp3 as it would be corrupted file. Taking this from experience after trying to put the song straight onto our timeline on Final cut express.

We used the mac itself to use itunes, final cut express and any internet/safari websites. Overall it was an
exceptionally helpful computer to work with as it had a lot of technical atributes that meant it would work well with the making of the music video. however, sometimes, it would lag, meaning editing our music video was a hard objective to do in a short space of working time.

We then put the song onto final cut express. We used Final cut express to edit our filmed unedited clips from the camera together. It was an extremely good program, with use of effects, transitions, timeline, viewer box, marking in and out (this meant we could take a sample of a specified clip and mark in where we want the clip to start and finish). However, there were a lot of moments where, Final cut express did infuriate me when we were trying to edit our final product together. The reason being was because it would tell us to render every single clip every time we turned on the computer (and we had a lot of clips). So this would sometimes slow our work pattern down.

We used the canon hand held video camera to film our progressive music video. It was a very good camera, with good use of different shots. The battery was also very good as we found ourselves being able to film for hours without it running out of battery. We also used a tripod to hold the camera on. This kept our shots steady and more realistic. It was an easy camera to use and fun to get to know what would fit in the frame and what wouldn't. I learnt that steady shots used on the tripod are more likely to turn out better quality than hand held as it keeps the frame work consistent.
Updating my blog became a very important time whilst filming and editing our music video. this was because it meant we could keep a record of what we had done so far. it is a great website to record your log on. The only problem I had was sticking with it regularly. I often found myself not writing records down for weeks and coming back to it and realizing that was missing certain things out. But, I have grown to enjoy using the website and will probably use it more in my life.
We used Youtube for multiple things. Such as Uploading our Animatic story board of our music video 'Not Today' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lifh1aU1anY. We also uploaded, Question 2 of this analysis as we filmed it instead of writing it.  We used Youtube to search for intertextual bands that were like our chosen band 'Derek's Neighbour'. YouTube was a very useful site and search engine that was easy to use and access.

I used Iphoto to edit and manipulate my pictures to make my final product of Ancillary products. It worked very well and was a great program that was quite versatile. I used different gradients and changed the sharpness of my photos of the band in a  forest for the products of the album 'Into the wild'. The effects, however, were pretty limited and this was hard as i then had to rely on color correction and use what little effect there were. In future I would rather use a program such as Adobe as there is more of a selection of effects and manipulating

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