Wednesday 9 December 2009

Evaluation of Coursework movie: part 2) Proffesional practise

The kind of media institution that might distribute our movie would be a video store. One that stores lots of different kinds of horror movies as there may be a gory horror, or a physical or psychological horror. Hopefully our movie would fit into one of these catergories and for any teenagers wanting a scare.

We managed our group dynamcis, equpiment and resources, interim deadlines and the necessarily collaboarative nature of film-making. We made sure of movie was filmed early so that we could get editing as soon as possible. We all had different ideas about what type of movie we wanted to film and in the end decided that we would have better ideas creating a horror movie. We wanted to make our film making look proffesional aswell. So we used a few different angles to give it contrast.

We manged actors, locations and props rather easily. There were only three actors which included Tom, Anika and I. We were thinking of using other people for violent images at one point, But we thought that this would destroy the whole psychological point of view of the film as there is no iscolation or suspension if you see other people. The use of three people makes the movie the more scary. Locations were talked about for a while and we thought that using a forest would be suitable as it fulfilled the options on the questionnaire and it also created lots of ideas for us to play with. We decided that we would use a forest in West Byfleete as it had lots of open and closed spaces. It also matched the needs that we wanted a horror movie to create.

The costumes we used were very simple as we used modern clothes, Apart from the Psychopath who wore just black and the mask. One problem that we faced was the fact that we did filming two times, so we had to wear the same clothes as we did last time or it destroyed the continuity. We actually decided that we weren't going to use many props apart from a phone and a stick. This was because we wanted to use the particular strategy of not not using too many props. We thought that this would be a creative decision as we didn't want to make the movie to complicated for the audience.

The storyboard and creating a shooting script worked in our practise. This was because it helped us to organise our filming and we would know what and how to film our different clips. It also helped our continuity of our clips as nothing was out of our order. However we did create decisions to depart from the original plan. This was because we would have new ideas while filming the actual move itself as we were in the forest. So we kept on developing the ideas into clips.

Time management was very important in our movie as we had to decide when and when everybody was free to start filming and editing. Once we had finished planning we started filming a few days afterwards and once we had finished our first part we uploaded that straight onto the computer and started editing the 'dead body' scene. We then planned when we would film again and we finished off the filming the next time we went to West Byfleete and started editing the rest of our movie. I think that our time management worked very well as we were organised and strated filming and editing as soon as we could. We edited every Media lesson after our first shoot in the forest. We also used a few lunchtimes to do some finishing touches to it.

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