Friday 11 December 2009

Evaluating the preliminary Task

What we were asked to do and how we prepared for it?
We were asked to create a short movie using the techniques that we talked about, such as the 180 degree rule,match on action shot and shot reverse shot. We prepared for this, planning where we would film, what the situation would be and what techniques we would use.
  • My role of the movie was a student asking another student if they had a hole puncher that I could borrow. With my entrance we used a match on action of me reaching for the handle, pushing it down and then going into the room.
  • We used the match on action shot as we wanted to show the entrance of walking into the room itself so that the viewers could see where my character was going. We also used the shot reverse shot for the conversation me and Tom had. We used this as it was easier to see that me and Tom are having this confrontational conversation.
  • The frames we used for pushing the handle down was a very close up. Then of me walking across the room was a long shot. Then for Tom sitting at the desk, we used a medium close up. Then when we were having our conversation we used medium close ups.
  • We made sure that the positioning of the actors on the screen was not too close and but not too far away.

  • In Conclusion, I feel that the final result was a successful one as we managed to match the needs of what we planned to film. I also felt that our techniques we used worked well and that they were clear as to which technique was which.
  • What our group could have done to improve the sequence was to make sure the camera wasn't too close to the match on action shot on the door handle as it was slightly unclear what had happened. I think that we could have also given it more time. The match on action was a bit too quick for the viewers to watch. I think that the shot reverse shot technique was good as it showed different levels of Tom sitting down and me standing up. However the dialogue could have been slightly more appropriate for the angles we were filming in.
  • I think that, as a group, we worked very well together. I feel that we made joint decisions and came up with good ideas to help the continuity of the sequence.

I personally feel very confident using both the camera and Imovie. I feel the camera is easy to use as all you had to do was point and film, using the tripod or holding it hand held. Imovie was hard to use in the beginning but as the course went on, I started to become fluent and worked out how to import clips and to mix clips with editing effetc and transitions.

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