Wednesday 2 December 2009

Evaluation of Coursework Movie: Reworking the familiar, Part 1a) how does my media project develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products

At a 'micro', technical level, I observed the conventions of continuity, the language and the grammer of the edit well.

We made sure the Continuity of our movie was the way we edited our clips together. We wanted to make sure that are clips would smoothly go into the next. We sometimes blended two clips into one to make it look like there were two camera angles shooting the characters.

The Language of our film was all about the editing of our movie. We used a few editing effects in our movie. In the beginning we used no effects whilst panning across the forest but as it panned onto the dead body, we used a slight eathquake effect to give it more of a personal feeling about looking upon a dead body. When there was a flashback to the events before we gave a different colour effect to the clips making it darker and made it more of a personal flashback and the darkness created more of an atmosphere. We also decided that we didn't want to use too many effects in our movie as we wanted to make it feel more realistic to the audience.

The Grammer of our film was about the transitions from clip to clip. We used quite a few transitions in our movie and they were very important for our outline of our movie itself. In the beggining of the movie we used a lot of cross fades and dissolves into the next clips of the panning camera across the forest. Then we used a fade going into the first picture of the dead body's eye. We then used no transitions as we had lots of pictures building up so it gave it a fast tempo of the dead body and it gave a brillaint effect. We used a wash out into a white background with our title "Sorrowfull Footsteps" and then used a wash in to our first 'Flashback' clip of the two charcters walking through the forest before the victim is killed. We then used no transitions until the end where the psycho comes out from behind the tree. when He is just about to kill the victim, the psycho lifts his weapon to kill the victim and there is a a very sudden blackness but the heartbeat sound effect carries on.

We made alot of mistakes in our movie, such as not having very good continuity of our clips, Not making much sense out of the editing and having charcters in different positions as the last clip. We also made the mistake of splitting the clip too much and losing the part that we need. We realised that once we had done our filming, we wouldn't have enough time to do anymore, so if we filmed anything with mistakes in it, then we would have to edit it thoroughly.

However, I think we improved quite alot from the preliminary task as we realised what mistakes we had made in it, such as keeping the same positions of characters from one clip to the other. Another mistake we wanted to be careful of was, if the character was holding an object in their hand in the first clip and in the next clip, they are holding it in the other hand or not holding it at all then it looks very amateur and doesn't make sense to the audience.

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