Thursday 23 September 2010

Pitch- Derek's Neighbour: Not Today

In this Part of the blog, We are to make a presentation of The band we have chosen, and with our ideas of our upcoming music video, make a pitch for it. Here it is...


By Bates ‘n Veira

Genre of Music Video

We are aiming to create a performance/narrative music video with the song ‘Not Today’ by Derek’s Neighbour. To do this we are planning to use a boy meets girl story line. The lyrics in the song will help us to create the emotion of the story. The song is from a boy’s point-of-view and connotes a feeling of being unable to commit to a serious relationship and therefore puts things off.


Our target audience is a slightly older than teenager who may have experienced a serious relationship with someone they really like. This is so they can relate to the lyrics in the song. As the music is quite universal I feel that our target audience could be anyone. Because it would not contain content which is inappropriate for young children or OAP’s.

Props, Actors and Locations

We have chosen to shoot our video in multiple locations. The main bulk of the video will be shot on top of a building with epic landscapes, it will also be shot in an urban location possibly a flat. In terms of props we are going to use instruments for the band.
Actors include the band (Matt, Dan and Nick) and the couple in the Narrative.

Stay tuned for more information from Bates n' Veira's Music Video.

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