Thursday 23 September 2010

Star Studies- Slipknot

Comparing two songs and seeing how Slipknot have changed as a band since the first one...
The songs I have chosen represents Slipknot in a heavy way and lighter more universal way. Everyone chooses to see Slipknot in the first way. This individuality is why is why I like them so much.  

  1.  Duality
    The first song I have chosen is duality. It is a heavy song which follows the style of slipknot well.
    The music video is a performance.    
    How they first started out

    2. Snuff-  
        My second song is snuff, it is a much lighter style of music which is unusual for Slipknot,   they received a lot of abuse and discrimination from their fans because they detoured from their favourite style. The video is in a narration style.  

    They also changed their masks with the style change, this shows a marked change.  

    By Bates 


Genres of Music video

This is just a basic introduction to the Genres of music video we are studying in this course...

Johnny Cash- Hurt

In our Media Lesson, we looked at the 'Nine Inch Nails' song Hurt.

We then looked at the cover by Johnny Cash...

Then we wrote up an analysis of The cover...

Johnny Cash- Hurt

· Directed by Mark Romanek- Famous Music video director. Also directed audioslave, beck and David Bowie’s music videos.

· Nine-inch nails originally wrote the song in 1994, where Johnny Cash then covered the song ‘Hurt’ in 2002.

· The genre of this music video is a hybrid of -Spectacle, - A performance of him playing guitar, and Narrative of him telling a story of his past life.

· The effects in this video are limited but instead, clips of him in the past are displayed. His lyrics are about ‘going back and doing it all again’ meaning life. Switching back and forth to good and bad film quality achieve these effects. So when he is filmed singing the song the camera quality is good. There is either a close up or a mid shot of him with a bright yellow light coming through a window. When the old video of him in the past is played there is a range of shots, with natural light placed within the frame.

Not Today- Lyrics

We are doing a music video of the song "Not Today" by the band 'Derek's Neighbour'. Here are the lyrics:

Derek’s Neighbour- Not Today

V 1

What an earth is going on inside my mind

You can’t you don’t, you can you won’t rewind

Not everything has seemed so black and white to you

You push you pull you try to power through


Traffic jam inside my head

Thinking of words, that I should have said

I get frustrated

I get so mad.


Caus I can’t look back, what if I lose my way

I need you here, come what may

We can work it out, but on another day

I scream and I shout, please don’t run away

V 2

I know that I don’t always finish what I start

Could be down to why I protect my heart

It makes me laugh it also makes me want to cry

These times those times our times will pass me by

Chorus (outro)

Caus I don’t look back

I have you here

We have worked it out

I don’t scream, I don’t shout

Pitch- Derek's Neighbour: Not Today

In this Part of the blog, We are to make a presentation of The band we have chosen, and with our ideas of our upcoming music video, make a pitch for it. Here it is...


By Bates ‘n Veira

Genre of Music Video

We are aiming to create a performance/narrative music video with the song ‘Not Today’ by Derek’s Neighbour. To do this we are planning to use a boy meets girl story line. The lyrics in the song will help us to create the emotion of the story. The song is from a boy’s point-of-view and connotes a feeling of being unable to commit to a serious relationship and therefore puts things off.


Our target audience is a slightly older than teenager who may have experienced a serious relationship with someone they really like. This is so they can relate to the lyrics in the song. As the music is quite universal I feel that our target audience could be anyone. Because it would not contain content which is inappropriate for young children or OAP’s.

Props, Actors and Locations

We have chosen to shoot our video in multiple locations. The main bulk of the video will be shot on top of a building with epic landscapes, it will also be shot in an urban location possibly a flat. In terms of props we are going to use instruments for the band.
Actors include the band (Matt, Dan and Nick) and the couple in the Narrative.

Stay tuned for more information from Bates n' Veira's Music Video.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

A2 Music Video Coursework

Ah yes, A new start, a new blog. It just so happens that we are now studying Music Videos...
And When I say "we" I mean Thomas Bates and Myself.

We will be updating our blog as regularly as possible, giving you information about the course we are doing and what we are doing in the lessons.

All we can say is that we hope you enjoy the read,

Peace out y'all.

Bates 'n Veira x