Wednesday 14 October 2009

My shocking group! (In a good way)

Hi there, and welcome back to my blog with dr. veira.
This post here is to give you fabulous readers an insight to my truly b... e... a... utiful group and what we will be doing with our media coursework.Here we go, (and brace yourself):

First of all we have the fabulosis German exchange student Anika Franko.... (I can't say her surname) She is Directing, filming and editing this movie. She's rather clever!

Then there is Thomas Derek Bates, who, to be honest, really doesn't work hard enough in life, but who can blame him!? Tom is taking part in this movie as he is one of the characters in it, he is also, directing and editing.

Then there is me, Nick Veira. I am also taking part in the movie and editing.

A few lessons ago, we were talking about what sort of genre our film coursework should be. We had some minor disagreements and tantrums were thrown (Tom) but in the end we decided we would either do a thriller or a horror genre. We talked about it in more detail and looked at some examples fom the previous year and relaised that horror would be best to create, as there were many ideas that could be thrown into the stirring pot.

Hopefully it should be a success, who knows.

Thanks for reading and I hope you are well.

Also, A name has been created out of our "stirring pot". We have decided to call it....... "SORROWFUL FOOTSTEPS"

Nick, Cheeerss! x


Unknown said...

Thanks for the demo. You now need to update your blog with posts on the items listed on the peters post blog.

Anika said...

'im clever'...thanks for such a nice statement,nick :)
i think we have really good ideas we only have to bring them together and dont go under in the whole chaos of ideas.

im sooo excited... :)

see you tomorrow. x