Tuesday 10 May 2011

Nick AND Tom- EVALUATION ACTIVITY 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

  <-----Please click here to watch Evaluation!

Tom and I created this video and uploaded it onto YouTube to analyze our Ancillary products which are posted underneath this post. We found this an easier and all more productive, than writing up an evaluation. We started by writing a script and giving ourselves different parts/lines to say. To edit our clips together, we used 'Imovie HD', and to record our voices, we used garage band, where we then imported the voice clips into Imovie.

Here is the script for the movie that we created...

Hello and welcome to Thomas Bates and Nick Veira’s ancillary product analysis and review. Our album is named ‘Into the Wild’; we originally got this idea from our A2 music video ‘Not Today’ by ‘Derek’s neighbour’ the performance from the band in the video takes place in woodland area. We decided to capitalise on this aspect and thus arrived at our title to keep the running theme apparent. 

The front cover, we redesigned, making it bolder, this gives a better account of the bands identity. The front cover allows the audience to adopt a pessimistic/optimistic approach the changing of the seasons. Is this end of autumn? Or the beginning? We also decided to use the clichéd ‘walking into the sunset’ shot to show that the band are trying to be theatrical. We decided to use this intertextual reference to Hollywood films such as Reservoir Dogs.  We also named the album ‘Into the Wild’ to reinforce the statement that we portray with the image of a forest. We manipulated the image in a simple manner, firstly we uploaded the image to Nick’s Mac where we used the program Iphoto (cue fade with Iphoto program demo) we then used the effects toolbar to craft and shaped the image. We manipulated the images’ saturation and sharpness until we found a balance that wasn’t over encumbered with special effects. For the title of Derek’s Neighbour, we firstly created the typeface using a trial and error method; we eventually deciphered what worked and what didn’t.  We altered the opacity of the font, this amplified it’s boldness and therefore it stands out more for the audience. It contrasts nicely with the orange background.

For the back cover, we deliberately decided to have a marked contrast to the front cover. We did this to show that the album itself and the band members are versatile and likely to change. We added the necessary requirements such as a copyright under the ownership of Derek’s neighbour. We also included the band’s website as an added marketing tool and a feedback page for fans. We placed the band and album name on both sides of the back cover so when it would be placed in a case, both would be visible on the left and right hand side of the album. All writing is white to make a distinct contrast to the background, and therefore makes it very visible.
The cd design, incorporates a factors that we connote in the music video of “not today”, this is the amplifiers with guitar cases which are on the forest floor. We manipulated the image to make look brighter, this was to highlight the relevant points such as the nature’s colour and the amplifiers model and make. We used the same opaque title from our front cover to continue the consistent trend that we created. We also placed an effect on the hole of the disk itself. This warped effect (created on Iphoto) promotes a stranger side to the band, it also was a good chance for us as a group to flex our technical muscle. We also used the image of the stag’s head to show that the band is under the record label d6. We also put in a bold contrast of black and white to make it apparent.
For the inside double cover, we decided to edit the photo in black and white to show an articulate, sophisticated side to the band. It shows that this band want to be taken seriously, the writing is in the same typeface as the back cover, this was used to show some consistency thorough the album. We used a wide angled camera lense to achieve this panoramic shot, the album’s recording information was easily obtained because of our access to the band’s original album.
The acknowledgment and gratification page was the easiest to create; we uploaded the image to Iphoto. We then amplified the saturation slightly to bolster the noticeable parts such as the band member’s white clothing. We also wanted enough space to capture the tranquil forest. We used the white font to contrast against the oranges and reds of autumn.
The magazine article addresses the necessary criteria of the brief. It shows a review of the album from a top magazine, it shows the date of the release and where it is available. We feel that it is quite successful because firstly, it is eye-catching so therefore people are going to be drawn to this article. Secondly the backdrop picture fits well with our chosen theme and album title of ‘Into the Wild’. Most importantly we have included the band’s official website in which fans can post comment and give feed back as well as downloading the album or songs. Also putting the Itunes logo up meant that the public would recognize this and see it as a credible source for downloading the music, meaning they are more likely to do so!.... thanks for watching.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Magazine advert

Back Cover

CD Design

Inside Cover

Thank you cover (back of booklet)

Front Cover

Thursday 6 January 2011

Nick Veira- How effictive is the main product?

I think the finished Music video was very effective as we had matched the needs of the questionnaire that we sent out to 10 people before we started planning our music video, after that, we collected the results of what the public expected to see in our music video. There were somethings we disagreed with the people we gave the questionnaire to, For example, some people wanted us to create a comic music video, but we decided that using humour in our music/chosen song as the song is not a funny.

This was another reason why I think our music video was very effective. We matched the needs of the genre of our music and music video. Doing the research of bands with a similar genre, such as Biffy Clyro, Maroon 5 and Keane, they had the same sort of music video genre as us- A hybrid of of a Performance and a Narrative (possibly a love story). Getting audience feedback, people loved the Narrative side of the music video as they love a story. I personally think that the most effective part of the video was the fact that you never saw the girl's face, and is set up as an illusion. Right at the end we still don't see her face, and we never find out what Tom asks her, all we know is that she agreed and he was happy about it.