Tuesday 30 November 2010

The day of filming...

It was a long day of filming on the 1st of November. We got up at 9.00 am, Tom got to the Veira household at 9.30. We packed up all of our instruments consisting of: Electric guitar, Electric bass, Drum kit, Drum sticks, Microphone stands, Microphones, Wires, Leads and Amplifiers (It took a lot of time). We then packed all of this equipment into our small Toyota Auris (This took even more time). We decided to take more than one trip to our location, The Whitmoore common in the woods,  Which Matt (our designated driver) reluctantly agreed to.

This is the Whitmoore Common. This was our location where we did our performance genre of the music video. It worked superbly as we had a lot of space to work with.

Once me and Tom arrived with the drum kit we unpacked it and carried it over to our filming location. thankfully there was a bridge just across from where it was so we didn't have to carry the equipment for too long. Once we set up the drum kit, we got flyers that had made the day before and posted them through peoples post box. When we went there a few weeks earlier to look at the location, we noticed
that there were houses about quarter of a mile a way from our filming position. So on the actual day of filming the flyers said this: "Dear Resident, As part of our College Media project, we will be filming a musical band playing in the woods today (1st November). We do hope this will not disturb you in any way as the band are miming to a recording and it will be only drums that will be heard. Hopefully this will not interfere with your daily routines as it will be on the other side of the railway bridge. Thank you for understanding and hope you have a good day.  Nick and Tom, The filming team." 

We then got to work setting up where the camera would be and setting up the drum kit to be in shot.

Once Matt and Dan arrived with the rest of the instruments and equipment we set them up while they got changed into their suits. We also positioned the camera to fit in all of the instruments in the camera's frame.

We set the Electric Guitar and the Bass guitar up one by one...

...and kept them close together to fit in the frame
while Matt and Dan rehearsed the song.

We also positioned the camera to fit in all of the instruments in the camera's frame.

We then started to film our Music Video...

Tom and I decided that it would be safe to go through the song a number of times. We took one overall shot of the whole song with the whole band in the frame. This was so we could refer back to this recording during editing just in case we missed out any individual shots. We did this shot twice as we thought it would be useful to have a back up just in case the first shot was out of time. The second shot actually turned out better than the first one.

During filming...

What worked?

What I feel helped us keep our lip and instrument syncing well sunk. This was because of the use of playback from our speakers. We didn't just use any old CD player or small speakers but we used a Bose Ipod dock system which was very loud so in terms of playing in time with the music, we had it all planned out.

What Didn't work?

Being next to a train track was very unhelpful at times as when it was going past it would be too loud over our speakers and would distract the band. Whenever this happened we would restart the clip again. Dog walkers were not a problem but actual dogs themselves were more of a dilemma. This was because they would run through our shots (stupid dogs).

How was the weather?

The weather was actually useful as it was mostly sunny creating the great colour effect through the trees and the reflection of the sun pushing through the branches and reaching the band. At certain points in the day, there was a slight drizzle of rain which, having a lot of expensive instruments and equipment, was very risky. However having the Toyota Auris near by was a very useful object as we could shove our instruments in there until it stopped raining. It was also helpful having windy weather as it created a nice effect of blowing the leaves off the trees and around the ground.

What about the locals?

Tom and I were very worried about what the general public may think about young men with instruments playing too loudly in a forest where they would be walking their dogs. However, many dog walkers and walkers came up to us when we weren't filming and asked us what we were doing. We told them it was for a media project A2's- filming a music video from an unsigned band. They then asked us about the band and who we were. Some even said they liked the music being played from our speakers. One man came over to our camera and started talking to us about the use of different shots and what they would connote for the video. It turned out that he was involved in the media business, especially with using professional cameras and filming local movies- What a really nice guy!

Using a storyboard

On the day of filming our performance we used our storyboard to see what shot needed to be used where. This was very helpful but up to a certain extent. For example, when we had to find out what shot went where in the filming, we didn't have some lyrics from the song matching up to our shots. We the realized that we ad just put our animatic up on YouTube. The only problem was- How did we get YouTube working in the middle of the forest? Well... Matt (lead vocals and guitar) had just recently bought the new Iphone 4. One of the best uses for this was using the phone's 4G. This meaning you can connect to the internet pretty much anywhere. So to solve the problem of finding out which clips went where in the song, we watched our recent animatic on YouTube and used it, as well as the storyboard, to piece our performance side of the music video together.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

3 Bands within the same genre as Derek's Neighbour- analysis

Biffy Clyro

Biffy Clyro have been the biggest inspiration to us both (Tom and Nick) as they are very much around the same sort of genre as Derek's Neighbour. Biffy Clyro also appeal to a wide range of listeners, which Derek's Neighbour tries to achieve. Their wide range starts at young teenagers and ends at adults. We needed to think about this when making our music video as it means that a wide variety of ages  will enjoy watching and listening to it. Like Derek's Neighbour, Biffy Clyro are a three piece band, Guitar, bass and drums which is another reason why we picked them.

Biffy Clyro have changed they're genre since they're first album. Infinity Land which was a lot heavier than their previous albums included such songs like 'There's no such thing as a jaggy snake'. This song could almost be classed as a metal song as there is the use of screaming from lead singer, Simon Neil.

Later on,  Biffy Clyro wrote less heavy songs, still staying in the genre of rock, but focusing more on the epic rock genre. For example in their second to last album 'Puzzle' the song 'Folding Stars' is rocky but is also easy listening. You can hear the lyrics of the song and they tell a story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNEFkg8B2oM&ob=av2n

The song that sounds most like Derek's Neighbour's 'Not Today' is Biffy Clyro's 'Bubbles' from their latest album 'Only Revolutions'. This is because of the structure of the song. It is verse, chorus, verse, chorus, breakdown and then a big outro. The genre, rhythm and feel of the song is pretty much identical to each other. The feeling of repetition reinforces the message of time passing.


Keane have been helpful to us (Tom and Nick) as they have sounded most like the band in our song 'Not Today' by Derek's Neighbour- more than Biffy Clyro. Keane's genre is based more around the pop/rock genre with catchy and memorable melodies in their songs. Keane's target audience is more for teenage girls and boys. Looking at their live concerts you see that their audience is mainly made up of females more than males, so Keane could also be classed as a boy band. Like Derek's Neighbour and Biffy Clyro, Keane are also a trio. Bass, piano and drums (sometimes guitar)

The song that sounds most like Derek's Neighbour's 'Not Today' is 'Somewhere only we know'. This is because, like Biffy Clyro, the structure is very similar to 'Not Today' and 'Bubbles'- verse, chorus, verse, chorus, breakdown and then a big outro. Also the genre, rhythm and feel of the song is very similar to each other. This song 'Somewhere only we know' came from their album Hopes and Fears.

Kings Of Leon

Kings Of Leon is the last band with the same sort of genre as Derek's Neighbour. Because they have been around for a while, they have a larger target audience than Biffy Clyro or Keane going into mid 20's. Kings Of Leon's genre is alternative rock. This is normally the sort of rock that is very laid back and easy listening- very much like Derek's Neighbour's genre. Unlike Derek's Neighbour, Biffy Clyro and Keane, Kings of Leon are a 4 piece band. This does thicken out the sound from the band itself.

Kings of Leon's songs in the charts that are played on the radio normally turn out larger-than-life. Their songs will sometimes have a hook that a wide variety of listeners will sing and recognise as Kings of Leon. Two examples of this are from Kings of Leons' 2nd to last album, Only by Night.
-The first song is 'Sex on fire' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94RNp7veIJE&ob=av3n.
 The words "Sex is on fire" (although explicit) become catchy and well known. During its time in the charts, the lyrics of this song became very iconic and something that people were singing everyday.
-The second song is 'Use Somebody' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWhairF_DS8&ob=av2n. Here in the chorus, the voices singing in the background is a melody that everyone sings. It becomes a melodic phrase that reminds everybody of the band.

We (Nick and Tom) hope you have enjoyed reading this post about 3 bands withen the same genre as Derek's Neighbour- analysis.

More to come. x